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Reflecting on Three Life Lessons from Emma: A Thanksgiving Thought

Four years ago, Nancy and I brought home a little furry ball of energy named Emma. For those who do not know, Emma is our Cavapoo puppy. Over those four years my heart and Emma’s have been knit together and when I am not travelling she is my constant Velcro companion. I have taught her a few tricks but she has taught me some wonderful life lessons as well. Let me share just a few of them for this Thanksgiving season.

LESSON 1 Be curious about life

Emma lives excited and greets every word and walk as an adventure. Every blade of grass must be sniffed. As a matter of fact, we have taken the idea from someone else, that all of our walks are “sniffaris.” We smell grass, leaves, trees, sidewalks, rocks, you get the idea, we sniff everything. If we see a squirrel it is the best day ever and we must study the tree it went up and watch it on the branch. Bunny rabbits are of special interest because they remain on the ground where we can follow them. Two mornings this week we have encountered deer and they are a whole different category, amazing!!! On every walk and around every corner Emma is discovering something wonderful. At 73 years of age, I love being excited watching Emma get excited. I want to remain curious, hopeful, and interested in all that God does around me. I do not want to sit and bemoan what is behind I want to discover what is around the corner.

LESSON 2 Be content with what you have

Emma loves everything she has and everything she gets. She loves her life as it is. The simplest things are the best things. Being at my side on the couch (yes, she is allowed on the couch!), seeing me reach for the leash and knowing it is time for a walk. Her prized possession is a little red ball that squeaks and her favorite activity in life is fetching it when I throw it. Life with Emma is simple and our presence is enough. Lord, help me to value the simple things as I ought. Help me to be content with what you give and to rejoice that others have what they have in Your will.

LESSON 3 Love people for who they are

There is not one ounce of meanness in Emma. She is honestly the most loving, trusting, and happy being on earth. When she sees another person on our walks she immediately pulls to the point of walking sideways to get to them. She is convinced that everyone wants to see her and she certainly wants to see everyone. She brings a smile to every face, even those who are not dog lovers. We recently moved and one of our neighbors wrote us a note saying that what they would miss was seeing “the exuberance of Emma when she sees someone.” She just loves people, even the ones who do not love her. Wow, what a life lesson! Our Pastor reminded us this past week that being grateful is a by-product of being kind, humble, and allowing the peace of God to reign in your heart. Let’s make someone’s day this Thanksgiving. Let’s just love them for who they are.

Thanks Emma, for what you bring to my life. Help me to be more like you! By the way Emma has taught me a few other lessons that time did not allow me to discuss. I will just list a few.

1.     Trucks that go to fast on our street deserve one bark.

2.     The five greatest words in the English language are “Bye Bye in the car!”

3.     My backyard is the best place on earth.



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